Introduction:Data sharing and digital collaboration in logistics is important for increasing efficiency, lowering costs and lowering pressure on infrastructure and environment. Furthermore, digital collaboration makes the creation of new logistic concepts possible, leading to new business opportunities and providing solutions for challenges like visibility of goods, synchronization of planning among partners and bundling of capacity. A data infrastructure must be established where data sharing among logistic partners is easy and robust and can be set up in an ad-hoc fashion. Agreements for data sharing between partners are secured in the infrastructure, data owners have full control over who has access to what data and for what purpose and a service industry has arisen that offers logistic and infrastructure services on the infrastructure. The infrastructure will maximize business value, comply with various legal requirements whilst allowing partner autonomy, and enhance existing data sharing and storage facilities.
The research focuses on:
- The design and implementation of capabilities that are required for creating value-rich logistic information services
- Creation of innovative solutions that allow stakeholders to agree on how data is stored, accessed, shared and transformed in a controllable, enforceable, accountable, auditable and goal-oriented fashion.
Also note the sister project: SSPDDP - Secure Scalable Policy-enforced Distributed Data Processing.
- Principle Investigators: dr. Lydia Meijer <>, dr. Ana Oprescu, <>, C.T.A.M. de Laat, <>
- Core research staff: prof. dr. Paola Grosso, prof. dr. Tom van Engers, prof. dr. Leon Gommans, prof. dr. Sander Klous, Rodney Wilson MBA, Marc Lyonnais Ba, dr. Kees Nieuwenhuis (ret)
- Project contact: dr. Lydia Meijer <>
Lab Environment
FieldLab - KLM - SURFnet - UvA first light Feb 2, 2017 |
Digital Data Market |
OpenLab @ UvA CIENA 8700 & photonics |

- Leon Gommans, John Vollbrecht, Betty Gommans - de Bruijn, Cees de Laat, "The Service Provider Group Framework; A framework for arranging trust and power to facilitate authorization of network services.", Future Generation Computer Systems, (Accepted paper), June 2014
- Leon Gommans, "Multi-Domain Authorization for e-Infrastructures", UvA, Dec 2014.
- Internet2 2012 session: "Trust Framework for Multi-Domain Authorization".
- speakers: Leon Gommans , John Vollbrecht, chair: Cees de Laat.
Managing Our Hub Economy, Marco Iansiti, Karim R. Lakhani, Harvard Business review, September-October 2017 issue, [local copy]
- Study on data sharing between companies in Europe.
- Report from NWO/STW Workshop "ICT with Industry 2016" Lorenz Centre Leiden, Nov. 7-11th 2016; Prof. dr. Tom M. van Engers (UvA), Prof. dr. Robert Meijer (UvA, TNO), Dr. ing. Leon Gommans (Air France KLM Group ICT Technology Office R&D, UvA), Dr. Kees Nieuwenhuis (Thales Nederland B.V., CTO Office), "Trusted Big Data Sharing for Aircraft MRO using a Secure Digital Market Place mechanism."
- Wouter Los, ADS - presentation: "AMDEX; Open and trusted data markets, Amsterdam Data Exchange".
- Nokia Data Marketplace, an outcome from dl4ld research.
Thesis: Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi, "An Agent-based Approach to the Governance of Complex Cyber-Infrastructures", UvA, Apr 2024.
Thesis: Xin Zhou, "From Empowering to Motivating; Enhancing Policy Enforcement through Process Design and Incentive Implementation", UvA, Feb 2024.
Paper and Presentation: Reginald Cushing, Xin Zhou, Adam Belloum, Paola Grosso, Tom van Engers and Cees de Laat, "Enabling Collaborative Multi-Domain Applications: A Blockchain-Based Solution with Petri Net Workflow Modeling and Incentivization", IEEE 2023 CIC/COGMI/TPS, Joint Conferences, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November 1-3, 2023.
Paper: Xin Zhou, Adam Belloum, Michael H. Lees, Tom van Engers and Cees de Laat, "The dynamics of corruption under an optional external supervision service", Elsevier Journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 457, 15 November 2023, 128172, link to article
Presentations at the Closing Event of the DL4LD event.
Presentations at the Steering Committee Meeting DL4LD by Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Xin Zhou and Giovanni Sileno. |
Presentation: Leon Gommans at SAE G-31 meeting, Oct 25th 2022, Seattle (WA), "Consortium Driven Data Exchanges; Leading to consortium governed data market- and part data exchange solutions", UvA, Oct 2022. |
Thesis: Lu Zhang, "A policy compliance detection architecture for data exchange infrastructures.", UvA, Oct 2022. |
Presentations at the Steering Committee Meeting DL4LD by Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Xin Zhou, Lu Zhang, and Giovanni Sileno. |
Paper and presentation: Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Giovanni Sileno, Tom van Engers, "Preference-Based Goal Refinement in BDI Agents", Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022), P. Faliszewski, V. Mascardi, C. Pelachaud, M.E. Taylor (eds.), May 9–13, 2022, Online. © 2022 International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (
Poster and extended abstract at ICT.Open 2022 Amsterdam by Lu Zhang: "A policy compliance detection architecture for Digital Data Marketplaces (DDM)"
Demo and on screen presentation at OFC2022 in the OFCnet booth, San Diego, USA: "Multi-domain application coordination using Petrinets in smart contracts".
At SC-Asia in the Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) session chaired by mr. Yves Poppe (NSCC): "Secure data sharing in the Responsible Internet.".
Presentation by Leon Gommans: Challenges on Data Sharing, NAG conference on Predictive Maintenance, Schiphol: "Researching consortium driven Data Exchanges for AI/ML development"
Presentation to the CCI research group: Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, " Policy-Driven System Design".
Paper: Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "A real-time intrusion detection system based on OC-SVM for containerized applications", the 24th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2021)
Paper: Pascucci, M., Sileno, G., Computability of diagrammatic theories for normative positions, Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2021).
Presentations at the Steering Committee Meeting DL4LD by Xin Zhou, Mostafa Mohajeriparizi, Lu Zhang, and Giovanni Sileno. |
Interview: "SuperScience: Vertrouwd gevoelige data kunnen delen en verwerken", interview door Sjoerd Hartholt, Redacteur AG-Connect van Cees de Laat, AG-Connect - 11 Nov 2021
Paper: Pascucci, M., Sileno, G., "The Search for Symmetry in Hohfeldian Modalities", Proceedings of 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams (DIAGRAMS2021).
Presentation by Thomas van Binsbergen at the SAE - SAE Digital & Data Steering Group meeting: "Domain-Specific Languages and Normative Reasoning."
Paper: Lu Zhang, Arie Taal, Reginald Cushing, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "A risk-level assessment system based on the STRIDE/DREAD model for digital data marketplaces.", International Journal of Information Security. 10.1007/s10207-021-00566-3, (2021). |
Presentation by Thomas van Binsbergen - Invited talk at a Strumenta Virtual Meetup: "Towards a DSL for formalising laws and regulations".
Presentation by Thomas van Binsbergen at Communications of the ACM Europe Region Special Section Virtual Workshop (CACM), aug 25 - 26, 2021: "Digital Data Marketplaces".
Presentation and position paper by Giovanni Sileno at the ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Workshop on Technologies, Applications, and Uses of a Responsible Internet (TAURIN 2021): "Accounting Value Effects for Responsible Networking".
Presentations at dl4ld steering committee by Cees de Laat, Xin Zhou, Mostafa Mohajeri, Reggie Cushing, Lu Zhang, Giovanni Sileno, Tom van Engers.
Paper and presentation: Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi, Giovanni Sileno, and Tom van Engers, "Seamless Integration and Testing for MAS Engineering", 9th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems,· 3-4 May 2021, London, UK.
Presentation by Cees de Laat at SC-Asia in the Asia Pacific Research Platform (APRP) session chaired by mr. Yves Poppe (NSCC): "ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties", Video recording.
Presentation by Thomas van Binsbergen: Invited talk at the Air France KLM seminar 'AI for Aviation Sustainability': Domain-specific languages, regulated systems and sustainability (February 2021). L. Thomas van Binsbergen.
Poster at ICT.Open 2021 Feb 10-11, 2021: Lu-Chi Liu, Giovanni Sileno and Tom van Engers, "Digital Enforceable Contracts (DEC): Making Smart Contracts Smarter.", poster, abstract and movie.
Poster at ICT.Open 2021 Feb 10-11, 2021: Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi, Giovanni Sileno and Tom van Engers, "Agent-Oriented Programming for Modern Cyber-Infrastructures", poster, abstract and movie.
Demonstrator at ICT.Open 2021 Feb 10-11, 2021: Xin Zhou, Reginald Cushing, Adam Belloum, Tom van Engers, Sander Klous, Cees de Laat, "Policy Enforcement for Secure and Trustworthy Data Sharing in Multi-domain Infrastrucures", abstract and movie.
Presentation by L. Thomas van Binsbergen - Invited seminar talk at the University of Ottawa: "Prototyping regulated systems".
Paper: Xin Zhou, Reginald Cushing, Ralph Koning, Adam Belloum, Paola Grosso, Sander Klous, Tom van Engers, Cees de Laat, "Policy Enforcement for Secure and Trustworthy Data Sharing in Multi-domain Infrastructures", In the proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science and Engineering (IEEE BigDataSE 2020) co-lcated with IEEE TrustCom 2020, Guangzhou, China, December 29, 2020 - January 1, 2021
Paper: Liu, L., Sileno, G., and van Engers, T., Digital Enforceable Contracts (DEC): Making Smart Contracts Smarter. Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2020).
Paper: Sileno, G., Boer, A., van Engers, T., Monitoring and enforcement as a second-order guidance problem. Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2020).
Paper: Sileno, G., Boer, A., Gordon, G., Rieder, B., Like Circles in the Water: Responsibility as a System-Level Function. Proceedings of 3rd XAILA workshop: Explainable and Responsible AI and Law, in conjunction with JURIX 2020
Paper: Kebede Girma, M., Sileno, G., and van Engers, T., A critical reflection on ODRL. Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and the Complexity of Legal Systems AICOL2020, in conjunction with JURIX 2020.
Paper: Mohajeri Parizi M., Sileno, G., and van Engers, T. Declarative Preferences in Reactive BDI Agents. Proceedings of PRIMA 2020: 23nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.
Paper: Mohajeri Parizi M., Sileno, G., van Engers, T. and Klous, S., Run, Agent, Run! Architecture and Benchmarking of Actor-based Agents. AGERE! @ SPLASH 2020: ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity.
Presentation and demonstration at SC20 by Paola Grosso, Reggie Cushing, Xin Zhou: "Policy Auditing in Data Exchange Systems".
Presentation by Leon Gommans for Netherlands Maritime Technology to explain "Data Sharing for AI, towards an industrial lab" |
Paper: Sileno, G. and Pascucci, M., "Disentangling Deontic Positions and Abilities: a Modal Analysis", 35th Edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC), 13-15 October 2020 - Rende, Italy.
Presentation:Giovanni Sileno, Matteo Pascucci, "Disentangling Deontic Positions and Abilities: a Modal Analysis", 14 October 2020, 35th CILC Conference @ Rende (virtual).
Whitepaper: "The logistics data sharing infrastructure", H.J.M. Bastiaansen, C.H.M. Nieuwenhuis, G. Zomer, J.P.S. Piest, M. van Sinderen, S. Dalmolen, MSc TNO
W.J. Hofman <>
Letter and assessment submitted by SURF to the Ministry of Economic Affairs prepared by dr. Wouter Los and prof.dr. Sander Klous (UvA): "Een verkenning naar de unieke Nederlandse bijdragen in GAIA-X" |
Paper: Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi, Tom van Engers, Giovanni Sileno, Sander Klous, "Run, Agent, Run; Architecture and Benchmarking of Actor-based Agents",ACM proceedings of AGERE ’20, November 15-20, 2020, Chicago |
Paper: Giovanni Sileno, "Operationalizing Declarative and Procedural Knowledge: a benchmark on Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs)", Proceedings of CAUSAL2020: Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming, joint to the International Conference of Logic Programming (ICLP) 2020 |
Presentation: Giovanni Sileno, "Operationalizing Declarative and Procedural Knowledge: a benchmark on Logic Programming Petri Nets (LPPNs)", Proceedings of CAUSAL2020: Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming, joint to the International Conference of Logic Programming (ICLP) 2020 |
Paper: eFLINT: a Domain-Specific Language for Executable Norm Specifications. L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Lu-Chi Liu, Robert van Doesburg, and Tom van Engers. Proceedings of GPCE '20. ACM. |
Paper: Cristian Hesselman, Paola Grosso, Ralph Holz, Fernando Kuipers, Janet Hui Xue, Mattijs Jonker, Joeri de Ruiter, Anna Sperotto, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, Giovane C. M. Moura, Aiko Pras, Cees de Laat, "A Responsible Internet to Increase Trust in the Digital World", invited paper for the Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM), special issue on "Future of Network and Service Operations and Management: Trends, Developments, and Directions", October 2020 |
Paper: Wouter van Haaften / Alex Sangers / Tom van Engers / Somayeh Djafari, "Coping with the general data protection regulation: Anonymization through multi-party computation technology.", IRIS/SCIS Conference, 9-12 August 2020, Sundsvall, Sweden, <>
Presentation by Leon Gommans at SURF to explain progress on building DDM prototype in AMdEX context: "Prototype: Digital Data Marketplace; Enabling Data Sharing for AI Development". |
Presentation at PACIS 2020 Conference, Dubai, 22nd - 24th June 2020. Virtual conference due to COVID-19 by Dr. H.J.M. Bastiaansen: "User-Centric Network-Model for Data Control with Interoperable Legal Data Sharing Artefacts". |
Paper at PACIS 2020 Conference, Dubai, 22nd - 24th June 2020. Virtual conference due to COVID-19: "User-Centric Network-Model for Data Control with Interoperable Legal Data Sharing Artefacts", Dr. H.J.M. Bastiaansen, S. Dalmolen, MSc,, M. Kollenstart, MSc and Prof. Dr. T.M. van Engers. |
Presentation and short paper accepted for ICT.OPEN 2020 (cancelled): Lu Zhang, Arie Taal, Cees de Laat, and Paola Grosso, "Risk level assessment for data exchange applications in Digital Data Marketplaces".
Poster and short paper accepted for ICT.OPEN 2020 (cancelled): Mostafa Mohajeri Parizi, Giovanni Sileno, and Tom van Engers, "Integrating Preferences in Reactive BDI Agents.".
Presentation at DL4LD Kickoff, UvA Amsterdam: Giovanni Sileno, "Overview on policy research tracks at SNE, ArenA use case".
Presentation at DL4LD Kickoff, UvA Amsterdam: Mostafa Mohajeri, "Policy making environment". |
Presentation at DL4LD Kickoff, UvA Amsterdam: Xin Zhou, "Policy Design and Optimization in Information Sharing; Operational Mobility Center case". |
Publication and Presentation: S. Dalmolen, H. Bastiaansen, M. Kollenstart, M. Punter, "Infrastructural Sovereignty over Agreement and Transaction Data (Metadata) in an Open Network-Model for Multilateral Sharing of Sensitive Data", accepted for publication and presentation at the ICIS 2019 Conference, Munich, Germany, 15th ñ 18th December 2019. |
Presentation Data Exchange Systems for LERU board by Leon Gommans: "Data Exchange Systems supporting Digital Data Marketplaces." |
Demonstration (short paper description) at SC19 by Ralph Koning, Reginald Cushing Lu Zhang, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, Kaladhar Voruganti, Rodney Wilson, Marc Lyonnais: "A secure network overlay for tracking and enforcement of data transaction rules."
SC19 poster: Ralph Koning, Reginald Cushing Lu Zhang, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "A secure network overlay for tracking and enforcement of data transaction rules."
Presentation at PRIMA 2019 by M. Mohajeri Parizi: "Integrating CP-nets in Reactive BDI Agents"
Paper: Mohajeri Parizi M., Sileno, G. and van Engers, T., "Integrating CP-nets in Reactive BDI Agents", Proceedings of PRIMA 2019: 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems.
Presentation by Cees de Laat: Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow: "ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties." |
Presentation by Leon Gommans at Prognostics and Health Management (PHM2019) conference in Scottsdale, AZ: "Exchangewell Governed Digital Data Marketplace; How to share data a trusted, fair and economic way supporting ML/AI development for PHM"
Presentation by Cees de Laat: eScience conferenceVisionary track, San Diego: "ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties."
Presentation by Cees de Laat: Global Research Platform (GRP) workshop, San Diego: "Globally Distributed Secure Data Exchange Fabrics."
Presentation by Cees de Laat: CIENA executive briefing invited science presentation, Ottawa: "ICT to support the transformation of Science in the Roaring Twenties." |
Paper: Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Leon Gommans, Cees De Laat, and Paola Grosso, "Modeling of collaboration archetypes in digital market places" in journal IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2931762 |
Paper: Yuri Demchenko, Reggie Cushing, Wouter Los, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat, Leon Gommans, "Open Data Market Architecture and Functional Components", 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), IEEE, Pages 1017-1021 |
Demonstration at HPCS 2019 by Reginald Cushing, Lu Zhang, Yuri Demchenko, Cees de Laat, Paola Grosso, "Data Harbours: Computing archetypes for digital marketplaces" |
Paper: Lu Zhang "Management of collaborations in digital marketplaces" in proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2019) |
Paper: S. Dalmolen, H. Bastiaansen, E. Somers, S. Djafari, M. Kollenstart, M. Punter, 'Maintaining Control over Sensitive Data in the Physical Internet - Towards an Open, Service Oriented, Network Model for Infrastructural Data Sovereignty', 6th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC), July 9-11, London, The United Kingdom, Freely available at:
Presentation by Simon Dalmolen at the IPIC 2019 Conference in London, England: "Maintaining Control over Sensitive Data in the Physical Internet - Towards an Open, Service Oriented, Network Model for Infrastructural Data Sovereignty" |
Presentation at IATA Aviation Data Symposium in Athens by Leon Gommans: "A consortium goverened Digital Data Marketplace" |
Poster by Leon Gommans at the SAE ITC ARINC IA conference in Prague, Czech Republic, 29 April - 2 May: "ExchangeWell Governed Digital Data Marketplaces."
Presentation by Leon Gommans at SAE International IHVM HM-1 Meeting April 3rd 2019 Charlotte (NC): "Research Progress Update Digital Data Marketplaces - Trusted, fair and economic data sharing enabling value creation for the aerospace industry." |
Presentation at SAE International DDSG / G31 ETA Meeting March 29th 2019 Charleston (SC) by Leon Gommans: "Research Progress Update Digital Data Marketplaces - Trusted, fair and economic data sharing enabling value creation for the aerospace industry." |
Presentation by Ameneh Deljoo in Data Sharing session at ICT.OPEN 2019: "Social Computational Trust Model (SCTM): A Framework to Facilitate the Selection of Partners"
Presentation by Wouter Los in Data Sharing session at ICT.OPEN 2019: "A Trusted Data Market"
Presentation by Lu Zhang in Data Sharing session at ICT.OPEN 2019: "Modeling of Collaborations in Digital Marketplaces"
Presentation by Simon Dalmolen in Data Sharing session at ICT.OPEN 2019: "IDS, Demonstration, Applicability for Industry and Logistics and Next Steps"
Presentation by Giovanni Sileno at DL4LD steering group meeting: " DL4LD WP2, activities 1-2 - conceiving a policy-making environment for data-sharing infrastructures." |
Presentation by Paola Grosso at DL4LD steering group meeting: "Modeling of collaboration archetypes in digital market places." |
Presentation by Giovanni Sileno at SNE group update: "The case for Normware". |
Presentation by Harrie Bastiaansen at Commit2Data Workshop 'Commit2Data - Landelijk Overleg Data Innovation': "International Data Spaces (IDS)". |
SURFSARA Superdag 2018 invited talk by Cees de Laat: "Digital Data Markets: Trusted Data Processing in Untrusted Environments". |
Presentation by Harrie Bastiaansen at IDSA 2018 Winterdays in Berlin, Germany: "IDS Clearing House - Considerations from a Service Provider Perspective" |
Presentation at Dell Technologies Forum Utrecht by Leon Gommans: "Training AI models using Digital Data Marketplaces". |
Presentation at SAE/ITC Exchangewell and Equinix & others by Leon Gommans: "Improving AI models using Digital Data Marketplaces". |
Presentation at SAE International Digital & Data Steering Group teleconference by Leon Gommans: "Training AI/ML models using Digital Data Marketplaces". |
Presentation by Harrie Bastiaansen at NWO Workshop 'Big Data: Real time ICT for Logistics': "DL4LD - Logistics Business Integration by Trustworthy Data Sharing" |
Presentation at ReMAP EU project meeting Coimbra by Leon Gommans: "Training AI/ML models using Digital Data Marketplaces". |
Presentation at 2nd NWO Big Data Logistics meeting, Utrecht by Cees de Laat: "Digital Data Markets: real time ICT for logistics; Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data (dl4ld) Research". |
Presentation at ECP year congress 2019: "Open Infrastructure for Trused, Multilateral, Data Sharing" |
Demonstration at SC18 by Reginald Cushing, Lu Zhang, Paola Grosso, Tim van Zalingen, Joseph Hill, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Vijaay Doraiswamy, Purvish Purohit, Kaladhar Voruganti, Craig Waldrop, Rodney Wilson, Marc Lyonnais: "Dataharbours: computing archetypes for digital marketplaces" |
SC18 poster: Reginald Cushing, Lu Zhang, Paola Grosso, Tim van Zalingen, Joseph Hill, Leon Gommans, Cees de Laat, Vijaay Doraiswamy, Purvish Purohit, Kaladhar Voruganti, Craig Waldrop, Rodney Wilson, Marc Lyonnais, "Dataharbours: computing archetypes for digital marketplaces"
Presentation by Cees de Laat at APC2018: "Data Protection Digital Marketplaces Using Novel Infrastructure Models.! The Global Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP."
Paper at the IPIC 2018 Conference: S. Dalmolen, H. Bastiaansen, H. Moonen, W. Hofman, M. Punter, E. Cornelisse, "Trust in a multi-tenant, logistics, data sharing infrastructure: Opportunities for blockchain technology", 5th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC), June 17-22, Groningen, The Netherlands. Freely available at:
Presentation by Simon Dalmolen at the IPIC 2018 Conference in Groningen, The Netherlands: "Data Sovereignty in a Multi-Tenant, Trusted (Logistics) Data Sharing Infrastructure: Opportunities and Challenges for Applying Blockchain Technology" |
Presentation by Leon Gommans at IATA Aviation Data Symposium: "Exploring Digital Data Marketplaces"
Presentation by Leon Gommans at 5G workshop on Schiphol, Amsterdam (NL): "Exploring Digital Data Marketplaces; Researching data sharing principles in aviation maintenance context" |
Presentation by Cees de Laat at More-IP Amsterdam (NL): "Back to the Future - Amsterdam Data Exchange; Secure Cyber Infrastructure for Valuable Big Data Processing!"
Session organized by Cees de Laat (chair) at Internet2 Summit, San Diego, May 9, 2018; "Digital Marketplaces Using Novel Infrastructure Models." |
Dissemination: Vertrouwd data delen, Amsterdam Economic Board, kort overzicht en het AMdeX rapport.
Poster at ICT.OPEN2018 by Ameneh Deljoo (abstract): "A Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing Data in Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places".
Presentation at ICT.OPEN2018 by Ameneh Deljoo: "A Normative Agent-based Model for Sharing Data in Secure Trustworthy Digital Market Places".
Presentation by Cees de Laat: University of South California, Information Sciences Institute colloquium: Secure Cyber Infrastructure for Valuable Big Data Processing! The Global Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP. |
H. Bastiaansen, M.Punter, S. Dalmolen, Contributors to: 'International Data Spaces: Reference Architecture Model v3', Publication of the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA). March 2019. See: |
NWO organized at SURF Kick-off meeting Big Data: Real Time ICT for Logisitcs, presentation and panel by a.o. Harrie Bastiaansen, Robert Meijer, Leon Gommans and Cees de Laat.
Presentation by Cees de Laat at EU-SWITCH workshop Time critical applications and infrastructure optimization: "Digital Data Markets: real time ICT for logistics - Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data (dl4ld)" |
Lightning talk by Cees de Laat @ Internet2 TechEx, San Francisco: "Data Logistics for Logistic Data, Moving from Internet Exchanges to Data Exchanges." |
Presentation by Cees de Laat a at dcypher congress, MediaPlaza Utrecht (NL): "Secure Big Data Processing." |
Presentation by Cees de Laat: SAE meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto (CA), Sep 12, 2017: "Connecting Data and Algorithms Globally! - The Global Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP". |
Presentation by Leon Gommans: SAE meeting, Stanford University, Palo Alto (CA), Sep 12, 2017: "Researching Data Ownership & Trust - SAE AIR 6904 working group.". |
Presentation by Cees de Laat for the National Research Platform, Bozeman (MT), USA: "Global Collaborative Research Groups (CRGs); The Dutch Big Data Hub infrastructure inspired by PRP as model for European Open Science Cloud". |
Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data project approved by NWO, June 23, 2017. Here the NWO Dutch press release.
Presentation to NWO/C2D ctee by Jan Burgmeijer (TNO, PI), Cees de Laat (UvA, Co-PI), Leon Gommans (KLM): "Big Data: real time ICT for logistics Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data (dl4ld)" |
Session organized by Cees de Laat (chair), Rodney Wilson and Leon Gommans at Internet2 Summit, Washington, April 25 2017; "Distributed Big Data Assets Sharing & Processing." |
Presentation by Leon Gommans: "Sharing Big Data Assets via a Secure Digital Market Place", SAE HM-1 meeting on IVHM / ARP 6904 WG Fort Worth, TX Mar 29th 2017. |
Report from NWO/STW Workshop "ICT with Industry 2016" Lorenz Centre Leiden, Nov. 7-11th 2016; Prof. dr. Tom M. van Engers (UvA), Prof. dr. Robert Meijer (UvA, TNO), Dr. ing. Leon Gommans (Air France KLM Group ICT Technology Office R&D, UvA), Dr. Kees Nieuwenhuis (Thales Nederland B.V., CTO Office), "Trusted Big Data Sharing for Aircraft MRO using a Secure Digital Market Place mechanism." |
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